To subscribe this class pls:
1) Fill the form here below adding all your data.
2) Proceed with payment and send the payment receipt to
You can choose one of this payment methods:
- PAYPAL (using this email address: Pls, send the payment as purchase of service and not purchase of goods to be shipped. Thank you.
- BANK TRANSFER to Claudia Prati - Banco di Credito Cooperativo Carate Brianza - IBAN IT27 L084 4032 4100 0000 0054 900 pls, be advised bank commissions will be at your charge.
By subscribing this class you accept the sales conditions at the bottom of this form.

Sales conditions
By buying the online class the participant undertakes to respect the following sales conditions.
- To access the live workshop the participant needs a personal Facebook profile that will be used to access the Facebook private group where the class will be published.
- The organizer is not responsible for any technical connection problems that could occur to the registered participant.
- If the organizer has to cancel the workshop for any reason, she undertakes to return the entire sum paid to the registered participant by means of a refund via pay pal.
- The class subject is protected by copyright and the workshop can only be used for personal and domestic purposes.
- The registered participant undertakes to respect the prohibition of duplication and reproduction, even partial, of the video lesson on any type of medium by video or public or private press.
- By enrolling the class the student accept the conditions of not to spread the recipes and techniques through any audio, video or printing means or through any kind of workshops, demos or lessons, free or paid ones, that the student is going to plan.
- Loan, resale, total or partial download, rental of the video lesson in question on any video device or in the press are prohibited.